Borba Alentejo Wines | Origine Collection

Origine welcomes you to explore the excellence of Borba Alentejo wines. Our curated collection embodies the essence of this distinguished Portuguese region, where terroir and tradition converge. Elevate your wine journey with us and savor the artistry of Borba Alentejo wines.

  • Canary
  • Abruzzo
  • Alsace
  • Andalusia
  • Beaujolais
  • Borba Alentejo
  • Bordeaux
  • Burgundy
  • Castile-La Mancha - Murcia
  • Castilla y Leon
  • Catalonia
  • Champagne
  • Corsica
  • Extremadura
  • Galicia
  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Loire Valley
  • Marche
  • Navarre
  • Northern Rhone
  • Pais Vasco
  • Piedmont
  • Provence
  • Puglia
  • Sicily
  • Sousa
  • Southern Rhone
  • Southwest France
  • Valencia
  • Western Cape
  • Fruili
  • Normandy
  • Castell de Grabuac